Blog Revival
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Haha, I think I'm setting the record for most blogs rotted and revived :P. Anyway reviving this blog again, I will no longer be updating regularly, just when I FEEL LIKE IT and I will no longer grade all of my days, only certain ones. Expect a change of skin soon, thinking of POTC(pirates of the carribean) skins, I'll go look for one later. Anyway sick at home now, horrible headache, infected sinus, a little sore throat etc etc. Trying to study for chem test, hoping to get an A this term, I think my A Mathes fucked liao lar, I didn't get the pre-test and my head is pounding too hard to even THINK about alpha and beta(MY HEAD HURT AS I TYPED ALPHA AND BETA)(OH NOES I TYPED IT AGAIN *PAIN*) Anyway, this saturday my birthday woo, it's actually on the 6th of march but thats a tuesday and dinie and di sheng will be "gayaking". Anyway, looking forward to my birthday, went to buy snacks/drinks/etc, hoping to buy the WII by my birthday so we will have something to do other than play xbox the whole day (Not that I have any complaints with that lol). Drank vodka with diet coke, while having a fever and a headache(REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD IDEA) I think i fainted or something cos I woke up on the floor 1 hour later with a TERRIBLE headache. Sigh better get back to studying chem then.
Pushed The Limits Of Success At 4:28 PM
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Tag replies
wen xuan: thanks for tagging, sorry havent put in links yet, think ill do some work on the blog first and when its finalised I'll add more stuff, LIKE A WORKING TAGBOARD.
audrey: heya thanks 4 visiting, yay OM!
jackson: thanks for making the tagboard more lively, better watch out for justine on monday cos she's going to rape you.
justine: haha, those biscuits are just TRYING not to get into my mouth!
laura: lol he should model those
Weekend yay :D but still nid to go school :(. Woke up at 9 plus cos need reach school at 10, then fell asleep at the table while eating breakfast(honey stars lol at nat). Then suddenly my maid woke me up at 10 exact then I got up with a shock sia, quickly when to get changed and got my mom to send me to school. Arrived then suprised need to sign name, cos last time dun need, saw alot of people from our class(got red cross i think) signed in and also saw didi's cousin(now then i see the similiarities @_@).
Went to the I-room and saw the other sec 3 om group outside discussing abt their problem. Mr siva was talking to the sec 2's about their problem so we just sat around and slacked abit. At the time only me koony and siti were there. Was very thirsty the whole morn, kept having to go the cooler for a drink. We saw the video for the last year sec 3's om then we started to do our script(actually we just slacked)here are some pics.

nat showing off his garments. I'm playing with bubble soap in the corner lol.

tk showing off his cool new hat.
Nothing much happened, nat went to buy drinks then ended up taking pictures for red cross. Went for lunch at Nonya's wok and came back to slack more. Stayed till about 3 when nats parents came to pick him up then offered to give me and tingkang a lift back cos I also going thompson there for church.
First time meeting nats parents, though i know him so well never actually seen his parents before, saw their OUTLINE when they sent him to school once but never saw their faces lol. So went to church till about 5 when I went to have dinner with church friends. Went to matthew's house to play com and stuff before making it home at around 8. Feel so tired now, been chatting with jackson laura and calvin. lol jackson nice time exchanging jokes hor. sent some music to charlotte, dunnoe y the load so long.
Going to sleep soon very tired, whole day out sia. Oh yeah speaking of sleeping...

Who said the maps are too big? Yan loon sleeping in the open sia, very daring lol. (Saw tk's msn and realised IM VERY ANTI SOCIAL lol)
Today was generally okay, a B- me thinks.
Pushed The Limits Of Success At 9:03 PM
Friday, February 02, 2007
Tag replies(The tagboard may not work the first few times you visit the blog, gotta fix that soon enough)
charlotte: hey, thanks for visiting.
nat: thanks for the tag, see u at om tmw.
calvin: yes i am happy :) i dunnoe why i type once come out three times rofl
laura: thanks for tagging didisaur :D. OMG SEND ME THE PICTURE SO SICK LAR.
Friday, came to school early abit cos must fall in in the morning. Went up to class, then I still havent put all the new badges that i got, and no time to put, lucky only nid fall in in mafti. I walked in and saw Nicholas and at first I didnt care, then we almost go down that time then i say "Eh? Nicholas got come?" lol. Went to fall in for npcc, the seniors say we getting promotion that day, then they all very excited and talk alot. I ask them don't talk in squad only, they say i being TOO serious. Now you know the standard of npcc, HAHAX.
During bio lesson got to know gary abit, then gary showed me the class list with all the numbers and i go copy down in my phone and then we play handphone, sent sms to didi jackson nicholas and joel, then i got this message i dunnoe who it is, then i think think think and after a while then i see gary laughing >.<. Went to library with Adil and Dinie but it was locked so we sat outside the library until the auntie came to open it. Physics test was quite different from what I was expecting, so I was kinda lost but then got abit of 'help'(imagine jackson said that) from Didi, dinie and gary so I think ill get 5 or 6 marks liddat. Calvin(ang) say very funny "You call this a test? I call this group work" LOL cos seemed like everyone was cheating.
Recess went down as usual to buy milo, but drop by the bookstore first, nicholas go buy two ping pong balls then keep joking with the auntie. We drinking our milo that time, mr lai came by and then took nicholas balls cos he say nicholas will play with them(DONT THINK DIRTY)then keep teasing nicholas, ask him put the ball through one end of the pants and pull it out of the other end then he'll return it X). Wah social studies test very hard sia, mostly cos I didnt study at all then Dinie and adil study so hard, make me look lazy(okay lar I really am lazy). We were supposed to come up with a script, about social studies so for our script we just wrote 'Disheng wear a skirt' and then we started playing arm wrestling and joking. Gary told me some very lame jokes but still quite funny lar, I also got tell him some very lame de.
After school, went to eat lunch in the canteen with nat tk dinie adil didi qing xiang and joel jackson calvin TAY and some others. Went upstairs and we played with calvins baton, got calvin nat and dinie helped me to fix my badges, let everyone see my private rank rofl. Then called mr siva and he said go om and then only go to npcc for the muster parade(I THINK THIS MAY BE WRONG BUT ITS WHAT THE SIGN READ). So we went om and just slacked around, wei zheng was tortured on multiple occasions, and amelia kept wanting to 'spray water at my crotch'. I shouldnt wear pants to om meetings. So hanged out with the om people, did abit of work then went for the parade, still need to be tested for giving commands, lucky I come late, next week then do. The parade was rather easy, just take dressing, take pledge and march off only. Thought we were going to get our rank during the parade but because mr siva never come then never get so very dissapointed, kinda ruined the day. After we were dismisssed, walked past the red cross room and say the bb playing soccer, I think every pt they play soccer, I not sure hardly ever see them. Then qing xiang go call jackson while he playing " I NEED HELP"(If u didnt hear jackson say this, you won't get it). Went to macs with qing xiang and yun chao, they go trash talk Thomman and Zhang yuan, quite funny but very mean. Went home and complain complain about not getting rank and surfed the internet a little. Now im trying to transfers music from my ipod into my laptop but it's not working, better to sleep soon, have OM tomorrow. Was actually a pretty good day, but cos never get rank very dissapointed so I give it a C+.
Grade: C+
Pushed The Limits Of Success At 11:04 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Okay 1st post in like two years, if you're reading this, I've either probably pestered you into coming, you are some creepy old guy who reads little boys blogs or found some link from someone WHOM i pestered to link me. Anyway you can read my profile if you are the creepy old guy. I'll basically be talking about my day, whats went on, maybe slap a picture or video or something and give it sort of a 'review'.
So, thursday, was on my way up to class when I remembered my bio was in my locker so I stopped at the 3rd floor and tried to open it. After 5 tries I realised it was the wrong code so I called Dinie to tell me my own locker combo @_@. Nothing much happened in the morning, we had the temp taking exercise. My thermometer kinda went flat for a while and then I told mdm tong but then after she say must go hall to report then the power started again :P. Mdm chong talked to us about changing our seat during VE cos got complaints we very nosiy, and at first quite exciting, get to sit with new people. But the Didi and Dini angry cos they want to gay then blame me and Thomman for talking. We never talk lar, maybe Thomman got talk about L but I very guai de XD.
Anyway chemistry practical quite okay lar, dont need to wear any goggles and we just sit there watch the teacher do the experiment. The whole Chem prac Didi and Dini keep saying they don't want friend me anymore rofl. After chem was double mathes and then Dinie decided to 'friend' me again then we just talk during mathes and copy the stuff on the board. Recess very sian just went to buy milo as usual and went back upstairs, went to 3/2 for a while to bully Calvin(tay not ang :P) then came back in time for bio. Ms tan punished us cos we never do one page of the Bio WS then we have to stand up for the period, then when she not looking Nat yan loon jackson they all quickly sit down and stand up when she turns back lol.
Then it was english, talking about focus of the story, the scary unreasonable teacher, seems like so many of my primary school teachers haha. Then after english got VE and mdm chong go bully Calvin(ang not tay :P) try to make him do serious face, but he try so hard also cannot. Then after calvin she choose to bully Wei Boon then everyone keep laughing at him, so mean they keep saying AMKSIANS hey and we ask him give drill commands rofl.(Should have seen him during 2nd class drill test training) Then mdm chong moved wei boon back next to qi yuan cos he go complain to her rofl, Thomman move next to Nicholas, Gary move next to me, Di sheng switched with Yew Hwang, Julian switch with Yan Loon and Yi qing switch with Vanessa.(I think thats all did i miss anyone?) Then Di sheng came back to his seat while Mdm chong was scolding the baby(NAT) and tried to pull Dinie away, so we played tug of war with Dinie as the rope, me and gary versus Disheng and Jackson, we won :D.
So after VE went to store the stuff Didi,Dini and my stuff in MY locker(they still have yet to pay me rental fees >:[ ) but got alot of 3/2 girls blocking, then gotta squeeze past them and one of the girls the locker right above mine bend down and the whole skirt cover the lock so have to wait for her to open first >.<. Was walking down the stairs to have lunch with Didi Dini and one Land guy(their friend), when I met up with Ong rui, Dickson and Jackson then we walk to canteen together. We walking half way down the stairs Jackson suddenly said "I love stairs, when I look up can see heaven" then I laugh so much all the way to canteen. After lunch with didi dini and their friend, stayed back for a while and then went to buy bubble tea before going home. (Passion fruit ice bleneded is too sweet! >.< esp with jelly)
Had chem and physics tution at night, when my teacher explain it seems so much easier than when guang guang explaining to us rofl, tution is so much more fun in a SMALL group, hoping to do well for the graph retest :D.
Overall today was okay I guess, I give it a B or so.
Pushed The Limits Of Success At 10:45 PM