It's been a while since I last replied to tags so here I go
laura: hello :)
vanessa!: yes let the reason be that, and hi :)
smnth: hi neighbour!
laura: lol?
REDDFISHHH: haha I know, I was sort of thinking what to say and ya their speech was nice :)
koonling: thanks, still thinking about it.
wei jie: you don't come here spam can? Later i spam your msn cause you dc then you know.
REDDFISHHH: It's through skill! Don't think wrong!
Well it hasn't been that long since I last updated(my definition of long). Although it's only been roughly a week, a lot of meaningful, touching, weird and downright AWESOME stuff has happened.
Meaningful and touching: NPCC BBQ And Chalet!
On sunday, the whole bunch of kids(Sec 4 EX-Ncos), went to ms roses house for a bbq. Took a while waiting for everyone in a small corner near sweet talk in amk hub, went to the mrt then took a straight bus to hougang where ms rose lives. Went to buy ice and helped with the drink. We kept adding a little syrup before tasting and it didn't seem to be getting any better, so we just poured all the syrup in for good measure, who cares if we get diabetes, ROD already so it's okay. The fire had trouble starting so we had to eat what was available at the time and that included:
a)store bought fishballs
c)senior aminahs cooking
So we ate a) and b) before starving, okay just kidding, please don't kill me senior. Soon the fire got started again but the food still seemed to cook rather slowly, so I simply followed the most important rule of any barbeque.
WHATEVER LOOKS COOKED, IS COOKEDSo food poisoning ensued and we played with frisbee and soccer and tried many a time to ride on senior hong ann's skateboard and failed, resulting in lots of spilled food.
The seniors baked a cake for Ms Rose, it's her birthday soon so we sort of combined the celebration plus she's flying away soon so we FURTHER combined the celebration, celebrating three things at once. Wish Ms Rose a happy birthday and hope that she excels in her overseas studies.
Eventually it got dark and the park lights turned on, the lights are a little orange-y so under said light, EVERYTHING looked cooked, so following the rule of barbecue, I think I ate like 3 raw satay and junk.
Played some dai dee, which Wei En kept using probability to win which is like total nonsense and we sat in a circle and there seemed to be a pattern who was losing, weird. Senior nishanti hit ms rose relative (a little girl, I don't know how she is related but I swear I heard her call Ms Rose ah ma)with a soccer ball by accident and she got all angry and crazy and shit. Eventually she starting bawling and shouted on how she wanted to be an alien which is a pretty bold ambition for a little girl and really really weird.
Eventually the little girl let up and the seniors convinced her to chase after Calvin, needless to say a joyous time was had by all. Left soon after that and played dai dee on the bus while the rest stayed behind to watch incredible tales.
Now onto the chalet, packed early in the morning before leaving around afternoon to meet up with the rest. Originally wanted to go to cheers to buy stuff but yong bang suggested NTUC which was hell of a lot more crowded. Took bus to near pasir ris park where our chalet was. Walked to the chalets office where we waited quite a while for sir kenneth (above 18) to come check in for us. During the time some played soccer while others played UNO, cheat and dai dee. Sir Kenneth went to the wrong chalet so Calvin went to go fetch him. He came and checked in and we went to put our bags. The chalets number is D08, which is like some omnipotent sign that I should go for CIBTC D08, which I am still contemplating on about.
We went to the beach and played around making sand balls for a moment before we just went straight into the water. Played some water frisbee which is actually more fun that dry frisbee. Soon, it got late and we ran back to the chalet to bathe, there was only one toilet so we sort of had to share to bathe in time for dinner. Had my snacks stolen by some people while we waited for the rest to finish bathing. Went to burger king but some of us didn't feel like having fast food so we went to the nearby food court to eat. Proceeded to Cheers to buy some sustenance for the night. We had wanted to go to the arcade but it had closed down and there was another one at the nearby mall but it was already 10+ and we figured it might have closed by the time we reached. Headed back to the chalet while some others went out ghost hunting or something. Pretty much stayed there for the rest of the night, played cards, eating, trying to get abit of sleep, while having loud noises in the background, being surrounded by two sick assholes, and being constantly cuddled by said assholes.
Next day, some of them woke up to go help Nasri find his wallet which he had lost earlier, they didn't manage to. Had breakfast at the same food court before we left for the arcade. We stayed for a while before Calvin told me that the check out time was earlier than we had thought and we had to go back quick. But Duo Fu and Wei li were still playing half way so I offered to stay with them until they finish. Duo Fu is like some Time Crisis pro? He got more than half way through the game on one credit and that's saying something. So we were kinda late when we rushed back. Was struggling with my baggage and stuff. Went back to the arcade and sort of spent all my money. That night when I got back, got a lot of emo messages from squadmates and they really moved me, but if you wanna know how I feel just read my previous post, I am kind of too lazy to rewrite the same stuff.
Downright awesome stuff: I got digital hub...thingy ok I have no idea what the name is but its awesome. I can alert myself to shows I'm not going to watch, I get EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL for free for a limited period of time, I get BOOMERANG! I've been watching 2 Stupid Dogs, Dumb And Dumber, Scooby Doo Where Are You?, and a whole lot of other classic shit. I alerted myself to Sunshine, V for Vendetta and every single episode of Avatar and Phineas and Ferb. It's all so great.
Anyway, thats all, which is actually considerably quite a lot for one post, so I'm just not going to update for a while ok?
Hell I'm not going to update whatever answer you give.
Finally, after 4 years of service, the 07/08 batch of AMKSS NPCC NCOs stepped down yesterday. It was finally our ROD parade, 7th June 2008, a date I'll never forget.
Lets just start with a short recount. Woke up really early because I couldn't sleep, got washed up, changed, polished boots a little while before heading off to central macs. Met up with the rest of the NCOs there and had breakfast, some of them finished up their gifts and the rest of us were just crapping, oh such times how I will miss them.
Headed off to school a while later, cadets greeted us by rank, lol some of us got demoted and promoted by cadets. Had our first rehearsal as a unit before we had our one on one drill session, wasn't as fun as I hoped it could have been but we were short on time. Had another rehearsal before it started to rain...HEAVILY. The cadets had lunch but we weren't that hungry but jasmine ordered pizza for us anyway, haha. Had one final talk cock session during the lunch period as NCOs before we went to change.
After we had changed, the rain didn't look like it was going to stop, then the horrible news came in. 'The parade is going to be in the foyer'. I started cursing like no ones business and went to the foyer to see all of the sec 1s and 2s formed up already. At that moment, I just broke down, sat on a bench and started weeping because I thought that all our effort in the parade would be going to waste and because of the space constraint I thought there would be a lot of cock ups.
Minutes later, I hear we can move to the hall, I'm still feeling down but my hopes are lifted up a little that we could have a proper parade. As we quickly did the markings to not make the guest wait too long, I kind of got the enthusiasm back and we quickly conducted one final rehearsal to sort out the cock ups and the real parade started.
The parade went quite well as a whole, probably not as great as in the parade square but we still made the best of what we had. The feeling I got when I shouted that final 'SA' and jumped up, throwing my beret into the air, is just indescribable. It was like a large weight being taken off your shoulders while at the same time you feel a part of you is being taken with it. Had unit photos and started the boot stepping. All my hours spent polishing...sobs. After the photos went down to the reception, glad to see so many of my friends coming down for the parade as well as a lot of seniors from our sec 1 days. Took a lot of photos before going up the AVA room. Thanks everyone, cadets and friends, for all the gifts, you guys are the best.
The movie was a...little short but was meaningful and very funny. I was touched by what the sec 1s had to say about me and the two other squad NCOs. I'll really miss all of them, despite all their mishaps and flaws, I really enjoyed my time with them, this playful bunch of kids, I WILL REMEMBER ALL OF YOU FOREVER.
Said my farewells to them before going to the gadget, even though it wasn't exactly a success, it was still very fun and I enjoyed it, SEC 3s YOU GUYS ROCK. Went to change to dry clothes before going off to outside school basketball court with some cadets and EX NCOs (thats us). Went to play frisbee (thanks ming xian, love the gift) and a bit of soccer as well as having some cake. Went to KFC for dinner before going home.
I WILL MISS NPCC LIFE, I WILL MISS MY CADETS, THE SEC 2s, THE SEC 3s, THE CIs, THE HO, THE TOs AND EVEN THE OC (okay maybe the last one not so much, haha just kidding). I will miss the drills, campcraft, wearing the uniform, cheers, songs, the crap and jokes we have told, the company, the place to go after school, the distinct smell of the NP room, the place to go every friday morning, the activities to do every friday afternoon, the memories of all we have done, the balls we have left in the room, our friendly neighbors, the games we have played, the lessons we have learnt and taught, the test, the endurance we had picked up along the way, and the burning passion for NPCC that many of us still hold dear.
Come on Sec 3s! You all can do it! Work together! Stop blaming each other! Be dear friends! Good luck to the next batch! Wei Le, Wei Geng and Jane please take good care of my squad! Jasmine and Zhi Hao please take good care of the unit!
I will never regret joining NPCC, it has been a wild ride this 4 years, but I would not change A SINGLE moment of it, because it has such meaning to me. As HO Kenneth said to us in the AVA room, if we have something we left undone or we just still carry the passion for NPCC, there is always life in NP after NCO life, one that I hopefully intend to pursue. CIBTC D08!
Pictures of ROD