New Background, CCA And Classes
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hey haven't been on for a while, blame JC life, it's hectic sort of.
Okay enough with excuses, I've just been lazy.
I last blogged on sat, so just a brief recap on some stuff.
Monday real classes started and it was really hard getting used to that after so many weeks of slacking. I found most, if not all, of our lecturers quite boring but it may just be the lecture environment.
I have almost no complaints about our tutors though as they all seem quite nice and good teachers so far.
On tuesday and thursday I went down for rugby training which is extremely tiring yet extremely fun, most likely confirmed for rugby. Hopefully Jun Yan joins too, so I won't be alone there.
Backtracking to tutors, our physics tutor is COMPLETELY AWESOME. Mr Pun is almost like a second Mr Guang except I'm actually learning things, THINGS RELATED TO PHYSICS. Mr Pun is extremely funny, but together with Elgin I just couldn't stop laughing.
Can't remember much else throughout the week, I'm loving econs and GP so far, they seem like really fun topics.
Today was saturday, my little free time that I have to do whatever I want. Spent a good half of the day at rugby fitness training the morning. Really tired me out, I was half dead by the time we were about to start touch rugby.
Played 5 on 5 real touch rugby for the first time, was extremely fun and I scored my first try (try meaning a touchdown, not try as in trying) following a good pass by lionel (not 0913 one) which was rather exciting.
Went to a seniors house to watch rugby union and play ps3, left soon after cos needed to go home to change and stuff before dinner.
Well, check back next week for updates, might not update during weekdays unless I'm really really free (I doubt it).
Pushed The Limits Of Success At 8:42 PM
Mirage OS
Saturday, February 14, 2009
This is my maths tutorial.

This is me using my graphic calculator (GC).

....It's not what you think.

Anyone want H2 Maths tuition?
Pushed The Limits Of Success At 11:40 PM
Is Anybody Gonna Save Me?
It's Saturday today! That means that little free time I've been deprived of for a while.
Had CCA bazaar, wet games, disco night, get ed and ednas birthday celebration over the past few days. Starting with cca bazaar, was pretty fun and I signed up for contact rugby as well as international service learning, really hoping I can juggle both while still doing well for my studies haha.
Wet games was quite okay, though we didn't win that much due to the setup of most of the games but it was still quite fun, went to bathe before having dinner with OG and getting ready for disco night.
Disco Night was the best thing in orientation, the dancers up on stage were amazing and the freestyle was cool but the best was when they turned the music up and left us to our own devices. We formed a little circle thingy and took turns pushing each other in to dance which was funny cos none of us really knew how to dance properly and ended up looking mentally unsound :P. Then came time for the 31st mass dance and traditional dance which I was dancing with adeline and I screwed up as usual, sorry XD.
Get Ed was okay, some of the speakers were interesting and I learned some new stuff here and there like not to use wikipedia for PW which is what I most definitely would have done otherwise @_@. During the political censorship talk, I was sitting next to Julian and at first we were really really bored so Julian started the long conversation with "Who would win in a fight, lee kuan yew or mao zedong?"

It would be an awesome fight and me and Julian were discussing who would win. On one hand mao zedong can fly and shoot laser beams from his eyes while lee kuan yew (please don't arrest me for saying this) can go super saiyan and deflect such beams with his fist.
We eventually added kim jong il to the fight and that's where it got really weird. We were saying we were going to be arrested by the secret lee kuan yew police force and they'd bust into the hall in the 'kuan yew mobile'. We even came up with a theme song and dance and said that lee kuan yew banners would fly everywhere.
Please please do not arrest me for this post secret police force.
After that we left for amk to celebrate edna's birthday, we were sort of trying to hide at one point and were crawling around. Yi fang and qian hui kept trying to make us dance 'Hot and Cold' which got old REALLY REALLY fast lol cos yi fang wouldn't stop.
Edna got locked in the red cross room because it can't get unlocked from the inside and kai sheng stole the key, it was pretty funny.
Went for KFC with the rest soon after, spent a while crapping and stuff before heading home with sam and chu ping.
I can't go for NPCC picnic today bleh :(.
Pushed The Limits Of Success At 11:30 AM
JC Life And Stuffs
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Hey to all of those who still bother to visit my lonely depressing blog, it's been a while but I've been busy with new school, new friends all kinds of stuff.
Well let's start where I left off. I GOT INTO NANYANG SCIENCE WOO. So the past few weeks have been spent in nanyang, selecting subject combination, getting classes, pondering about cca and stuff.
When I first went into nanyang, I was scared I would get into a school filled with cheenas who think chairman mao is the greatest man EVAR. There are people like that, but they're limited in number and easily avoidable and so far the ny experience has been pretty awesome.
Been having out with my new 'clique' (weird I know lol), consisting of qh, yf, yew hwang and julian. Went for contact rugby tryouts the other day and got myself injured but it was still pretty fun.
Got my class the other day and surprise it's exactly the same as marcus, julian and yew hwang. My new OG is awesome, everyone is so not cheena and friendly and warm and nice and other complimentary stuff haha. Thanks to qian yi (Sorry if I get your names wrong, I still haven't gotten the spelling down), for being so enthu and designing/ordering our shirts already :O.
The past two days of orientation was rather fun, the cheers and icebreakers were okay and stuff but getting to know the class is the best I guess. The mass dance was hectic and I was stumbling with every step, sorry to my dance partner xiaomin :P.
Had sentosa games today and was quite fun for the most part, had an OG dinner after they released us and found out more about the school and stuff through our OGL and discussions, did I mention how awesome my OG is, cos it is pretty awesome.
Well that's all for this post, I guess I am never posting grad nite/farewell assembly photos huh lol.
Pushed The Limits Of Success At 10:33 PM